August 02, 2011

Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Concept

Super-sports cars have always been attributes of super-heroes, or just a concept which can never be a fast ride. Cars, which were presented at the Paris auto show in 2010 are equipped with useful technologies, advanced materials, without a doubt, they will be common to all vehicles in the near future
One of the masterpieces of the auto industry presented at the Paris Motor Show was the Sesto Elemento, which translated from Italian means “the sixth element, that is, carbon. Lamborghini was able to bring the level of carbon fiber to perfection. In partnership with the University of Washington have developed a methodology for the production of ultra-light and ultra-strong material, not only all exterior body panels, but the main structural components such as propeller shaft, suspension parts, and even the monocoque passenger area of impact energy absorption. All unnecessary items in your car missing, so, for example, there is no dashboard, and seats just glued to the frame of security.
During these transformations, the car weighs a ton

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